Mav Recycling is a leading service provider for secure data destruction and e-waste recycling services in Tanzania.
Mav Recycling provides a “one-stop” solution to all aspects of secure data destruction and electronic waste disposal, ensuring our clients the peace of mind that their e-waste is disposed of in accordance with international cyber security and environmental standards.

Mission Statement
To establish and lead a self-sufficient recycling sector in East Africa – reducing the region’s overall environmental footprint and reducing the region’s current reliance on the export of e-waste.
- Mav Recycling is certified by National Environment Management Council (NEMC) for the collection, storage and processing of electronic waste in Tanzania.
- Mav Recycling is also certified by the Tanzania Ministry of Home Affairs, eGov, Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA), National Archive, and NEMC for secure data destruction of hard drives and other data storage devices in Tanzania.